tIDE, xTalk, Open Source, Integrated Development Environment, Cross Platform
tIDE - a free IDE for Linux
"So, I've decided to take my work back underground. To stop it falling into the wrong hands"

Yes, this is open source - but it's not a community build.

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Have you ever wished you could create an application quickly? Learning whichever programming language you choose can be an uphill battle. Where to start?

Wouldn't it be nice if you could put your application together by dragging-and-dropping various controls onto the screen, then not have to wait for things to compile before you see the results? That's what tIDE is. The various interface elements such as fields, buttons, menus, progress bars... they can all be simply dragged and dropped into your application.

There is a scripting language underneath all this (which actually follows on from a family of products using a similar language). It's an easy to use and understand language, which will allow you to rapidly create your next application - whatever that may be.

tIDE is free and Open Source. It can be used to create standalone application programs, with no extra dependencies. (Your application can be fully self-contained). You can save a standalone application for Windows, Linux and MacOS.


You can download version 1.09 of tIDE for Linux 64-bit, from here.
There's no installer for this. There doesn't need to be. Just like if you were to download Blender, everything is included in one folder.


tIDE is free, and always will be. You don't need to have a subscription, or even register in any way to use it. You will never see a registration or login screen when using tIDE. I will never ask you for any funding either. (I'm just doing this project because I find it interesting, as a project) - I'll add and remove features as I see fit, on whatever particular whim I have.

Other things to mention...

The programming syntax & script will largely stay the same though, so if you create a stack in tIDE, don't worry about the language changing. On the contrary, I'll add more to it as time goes on.

The tIDE project is largely compatible with OpenXTalk Lite - the two are almost running alongside eachother, although there may be a few noticeable differences. tIDE may be ahead of OpenXTalk Lite in some respects, or I might have just taken a different approach to a problem. You can find out more about OpenXTalk over at openxtalk.org.

Version history

version 1.0 - Jan 2024. Original test release
version 1.08 - August 2024. bug fixes, improvements and extra features.
version 1.09 - September 2024. UI fixes and useability improvements.

Example Stacks

The best way to learn is by example, so there will be lots of examples posted here (these are called stacks). Hopefully you won't have to wait too long for them. I'm currently working on interesting content in my spare time.
My aim with this is to show a wide-range of ways you can use tIDE and the things you can produce with it.


As mentioned above, this project and the OpenXTalk project are (kind of) linked. You can find more sample stacks that can be used in tIDE here.

What other help is available?

tIDE includes an extensive, searchable dictionary. You can probably find help with most commands there.
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