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Cleave v4.5

Cleave can create segmented DMG files and segmented ZIP files. It does this by using built in commands in Mac OS. This means that the archives you create will be readable on other versions of OSX and other operating systems, without using any extra software. Read on for more information.

About - Short version

Cleave segments dmg files or segments zip files. It can split DMG files into multiple parts. This is useful if you have a huge file / folder that is too big to backup. You can split these files over several disks. If you segment a zip file, this file can also be re-combined and uncompressed as long as all of the split zip files are in the same folder. Also, if you split a zip file this is also readable on Windows 7 and 10 with no extra software.


Download 32bit version Cleave.4.5.x32 (which is for Mac OS X 10.6.8 and above). Download 64bit version Cleave.4.5.x64 which will work at full speed on 64bit macs, requires Mac OS X 10.7 or newer.


Cleave is free.

Version history

version 4.5 - March 2018. Testing on various computers. Code cleanup and handling files over 8TB.

version 2.4 - March 2018. Initial release.

System requirements

Works with OSX 10.6.8 upwards. Please choose the correct version for your processor (32bit or 64bit). The processor must be an intel one, doesn't matter what intel processor. You'll also need about 6~10MB of memory and loads of disk space if you are segmenting large files.

If you have any suggestions, please get in touch via email. Many thanks.

